
Eligibility & General Rules/Guidelines

– Must be at least 18 years old to compete.
– All potential competitor musts have done at least one comedy open mic.
– Previous participants of the competition may compete again.
– All material must be written by the comic performing it.
– Absolutely no hate speech.
– Going over the maximum allotted time, or under the minimum time, may result in disqualification.
– Be respectful to the comedians, audience members, volunteers, and staff.
– A vote by audience members will take place at the end of every show to determine the advancing competitors/winner.
– If a comic moves to the next round but is unable to make the next show, the next highest vote-getting comic in that round/heat will then take the that comic’s spot.
– Previous winners, booked headliners, current employees of The Mac Club and PNW Comedy volunteers may not participate at competitors in the competition.
– The producers select the competitors by comics submitting requested materials and by the producers reaching out to comics directly.
–Comedians wanting to compete must be able to get to the venue the night they are scheduled to perform.
– The producers have the ultimate authority to determine if something is grounds for disqualification.
– Not following any of the rules listed above, or stated before, during or after a comedy show, may be grounds for immediate disqualification.
– The earlier you send in your materials, the better- Some comics may be accepted to participate in the comp for scheduling and other purposes before the submission end date.
– Individual event showtimes and rules are subject to change without notice.
– Individual event showtimes and rules are subject to change without notice.

Audience Voting Rules

– One ballot per person, per round.
– If an audience member engages in heckling, that audience member will lose their ability to vote in the competition.
– You MUST vote for three comics on your ballot. No expcetions.
– Voting for more or less comics than the ballot asks for in any given round will invalidate that/those vote(s).
– Once the ‘last call’ for ballots is made, no more ballots may be accepted and counted.
– You may not sell your vote or engage in any activity that gives away your vote. Doing so will forfeit your vote that round.
– Rules are subject to change without notice.
– The producer(s) and PNW Comedy representatives have the ultimate authority to decide whether or not to invalidate a ballot.