
The Willamette Valley Comedy Club is proud to offer a variety of classes in the coming months. Starting in Intro To Improv (1080 x 1080 px) (2)February, Intro To Improv class will be offered by instructor Tina Hogstrom during our First Friday comedy lineup at Keizer Homegrown Theatre. These all-ages classes will be a lot of fun and whether you’re wanting to gain confidence for public speaking, improve your theatrical skills, or simply learn the very basics of improvisation, these one-off ongoing classes are a perfect fit! A 10-week improv workshop will also be offered in the coming months.

In addition to our improv classes, we’re excited to offer a Saturday Scene Study class in partnership with the Salem Playhouse. During this weekly ongoing class, students will either271705392_955975541721668_6980223267148506493_n bring in scenes or be assigned scenes from Movies/TV/Plays that they will perform. You can even bring in your stand-up comedy set or scenes you have written and receive feedback directly from the instructor and the students.